Monday 3 June 2013


my BFF are the best BFFs eva. we went to the cinema together on thursday cuz we missed each ova soo much we jus had to see our best friends. anyway on MSP i bought some new clothes but then after a while you start to think they are ugly and boring. i hav tht problem so i might hav come up with a solousion. acctully i havent so if ur there bffs. HELPPPP. OH YEAH TO MAKE MY MOVIESTAR EVEN WORSE IM ONLY ON LVL 4 WITH A LOT OF FAME TO GO.

anyway... this girl on msp is called sweetu. she is jus ARRGHH. we were lke bffs but then she asked me for a wishy i was like soz dont want to and she jus started saying **** your ass. im like wdf u crazy or somethin. BOOM i got locked out for 4 days when shes the one saying stuff. shes a ugly piece of crap.
click on this coz thts wat she looks like wivout all the make up and clothsPinup Facial Beauty Game.

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