Tuesday 3 September 2013


Hey guys i want to thank soo many people for helping me to level 6. its been amazing and all you guys are the best ;~)
Love u guys x (602 page veiws)

Ignore the convo with selena. xx .

Megz over and out xx

Monday 2 September 2013

Rlly sorry x

Haya guys! I know i havent updated for what seems like forever but i have been really busy. And loads of things have been happening on msp but im afraid i cant keep you updated until i sort stuff out. X. If u still wanna b upd8d on msp visit princessflowerlilys blog or little mix are epic's blog. Soz again guys.

Megan x

Sunday 18 August 2013

np em

hey em this is for u cuz uve been an amazing friend. hope u gt to lvl 4 soon  <3

no problem em. hope you get to lvl 4 soon


Dear Em and Dez

Thank you soo much for the gifts its so cool. i love you guys. thank you i rlly like them <3.  thnx ;D


i cnt do Desiree cos i forgot to screencapture. thnx :D

Saturday 17 August 2013


OMG. i saw a hacker in the cafe chatroom, theatre cafe.

she is soo scary. bffs with anon and dolly!

i made a new account called megaidan2. i was just doing a misson when terrigang apperared. i forgot to show you her profile but she is real.!!!
i had nightmares last night because of her. BEWARE OF THE HACKERS. THEY ARE COMING!!

Friday 16 August 2013

Random People get on meh nerves!!!!

Dont you jus hate it when random people ask to be your friend. its just so ARGGH i dont even know who these people are. GEEZ SOME PEOPLE NEED TO STOP DOING THIS  its creeping people out

                                                                        for example


random person. i had another person but i added her cuz she was vip : P

megz ova and out x

Thursday 15 August 2013

Thank you Skye!!!!!!!?;)

Well some of you may of seen the last post and some of you are waiting for the link but now ive edited my blog and acctually im not gonna abandon my blog. Thnx edna for helping me with my blog bannor and is gonna help me with my background soon. Thnx edna :)